Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Weight loss journey

As most of you know, I've been back on the weightloss wagon, and trying to get into shape. I am happy to say that I've successfully lost 36 lbs since May! If I hadn't screwed up on a few vacations, it would have been more like 50+, but I had to relose some weight I gained too. Here is a pic of me and my great friends lil Thea, and Edie. I have lost 10 more pounds since this pic, so my chins are finally disappearing! WAHOOOO!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Jill, I had no idea you had lost so much! Keep it up girl. I kept thinking how good you look in all of your pictures lately! You look amazing need for Biggest Loser anyway ~ you're amazing me all on your own!

candice said...

wow!! that's awesome. can you do some for me too?

BrigitteG said...

Well done girl !! this is the same ....'story ofmy life' too ! Getting there very slowly !! :)